Indianisation of
Public Services and the claims of the Backward Classes
-Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
(An extract from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar,
Writings and Speeches Vol. 2, published by Education Department, Government of
Maharashtra -1982, Part II, Dr. Ambedkar
with the Simon Commission , Section V- Public Services, pp- 394 to 399)
128. (iii) Indianisation and the claims of the
Backward Classes.—It is notorious that the Public Services of the country in so
far as they are open to Indians have become by reason of various circumstances
a close preserve for the Brahmins and allied castes. The Non-Brahmins, the
Depressed Classes and the Mohammedans are virtually excluded from them. They
are carrying on an intense agitation for securing to themselves what they
regard as a due share of the Public Services. With that purpose in view they
prefer the system of appointment by selection to the system of appointment by
open competition. This is vehemently opposed by the Brahmins and the allied
castes on the ground that the interests of the State require that efficiency
should be the only consideration in the matters of appointment to public
offices and that caste and creed should count for nothing. Relying upon
educational merit as the only test which can be taken to guarantee efficiency,
they insist that public offices should be filled on the basis of competitive
examinations. Such a system it is claimed serves the ends of efficiency without
in any way prohibiting the entry of the Backward Classes in the Public
Services. For the competitive examination being open to all castes and creeds
it leaves the door open to a candidate from these communities if he satisfied
the requisite test.
129. The attitude of the Brahmin and allied castes
towards this question has no doubt the appearance of fairness. The system of
competitive examination relied upon may result in fairness to all castes and
creeds under a given set of circumstances. But those circumstances presuppose
that the educational system of the State is sufficiently democratic and is such
that facilities for education are sufficiently widespread and sufficiently used
to permit all classes from which good public servants are likely to be
forthcoming to complete. Otherwise even with the system of open competition
large classes are sure to be left out in the cold. This basic condition is
conspicuous by its absence in India, so that to invite Backward Classes to rely
upon the results of competitive examination as a means of entry into the Public
Services is to practise a delusion upon them and very rightly the Backward
Classes have refused to be deceived by it.
130. Assuming therefore that the entry of the
Backward Classes in the Public Services cannot be secured by making it
dependent upon open competition, the first question that arises for
consideration is, have the Backward Classes a case for a favoured treatment ?
Unless they can make good their case they cannot expect any modification of the
accepted principles of recruitment by considerations other than those of
efficiency pure and simple. In regard to this important question I have no
hesitation in stating that the Backward Classes have a case which is
131. First of all those who lay exclusive stress
upon efficiency as the basis for recruitment in public services do not seem to
have adequate conception of what is covered by administration in modern times.
To them administration appears to be nothing more than the process of applying
law as enacted by the legislature. Beyond question that is a very incomplete
understanding of its scope and significance. Administration in modern times
involves far more than the scrutiny of statutes for the sake of knowing the
regulations of the State. Often times under the pressure of time or from
convenience a government department is now-a-days entrusted with wide powers of
rule-making for the purpose of administering a particular law. In such cases it
is obvious that administration cannot merely consist in applying the law. It
includes the making up of rules which have the force of law and of working them
out. This system of legislation by delegation has become a very common feature
of all modern governments and is likely to be on the increase in years to come.
It must be accepted as beyond dispute that such wide powers of rule-making affecting
the welfare of large classes of people cannot be safely left into the hands of
the administrators drawn from one particular class which as a matter of fact is
opposed to the rest of the population in its motives and interests, does not
sympathise with the living forces operating in them, is not charged with their
wants, pains, cravings and desires and is inimical to their aspirations, simply
because it comes out best by the test of education.
132. But even assuming that administration involves
nothing more than the process of applying the law as enacted by the legislature
it does not in the least weaken the case of the Backward Classes. For, officers
who are drawn from a particular caste and in whose mind consciousness of caste
sits closer than conscientious regard to public duty, may easily prostitute
their offices to the aggrandisement of their community and to the detriment of
the general public. Take the ordinary case of a Mamlatdar, administering the
law relating to the letting of Government lands for cultivation. He is no doubt
merely applying the law. But in applying he may pick and choose the lessees
according to his predilection and very possibly may decide against lessees on
grounds which may be communal in fact although they may be non-communal in
appearance. Take another illustration of an officer placed in charge of the
census department in which capacity he is called upon to decide questions of
nomenclature of the various communities and of their social status. An officer
in charge of this department by reason of his being a member of particular
caste in the course of his administration may do injustice to a rival community
by refusing to it the nomenclature or the status that belongs to it. Instances
of favouritism, particularly on the grounds of caste and creed are of common
occurrence though they are always excused on some other plausible ground. But I
like to quote one which pertains to the Vishwakarmans of the Madras Presidency.
It is related in their letter to the Reforms Enquiry Committee of 1924 in which
they complained that " a Brahmin member of the Madras Executive Council
Sir (then Mr.) P. Siwaswami Ayyar—when he was in charge of the portfolio of
law, issued a Government Order objecting to the suffix ' Acharya ' usually adopted
by the Vishwakarmans in their names and seeking to enforce in its place the
word ' Asry ', which is weighed with common odium. Though there was neither
necessity nor authority to justify the action taken by the law member, the
Government Order was published by the law department as if on the
recommendation of the Spelling Mistakes Committee. It happened to our
misfortune that the non-official members of this Committee were drawn largely
from the Brahmin community, who never knew how to respect the rights of their
sister communities and never informed us of the line of action that they were
decided upon. It was dealt more or less as the stab in the dark."
133. This is inevitable. Class rule must mean rule
in terms of class interests and class prejudices. If such results are
inevitable then it must raise a query in the minds of all honest people whether
efficient government has also given us good government ? If not, what is the
remedy ? My view is that the disadvantages arising from the class bias of the
officers belonging to Brahmin and allied castes has outweighed all the
advantages attending upon their efficiency and that on the total they have done
more harm than good. As to the remedy, the one I see is a proper admixture of
the different communities in the public service. This may perhaps import a
small degree of inefficiency. But it will supply a most valuable corrective to
the evils of class bias. This has become all the more necessary because of the
social struggles that are now going on in the country. The struggles between
the Brahmins and the non-Brahmins, between Hindus and Mohammedans, between
Touchables and Untouchables for the destruction of all inequalities and the
establishment of equality, with all their bitterness, cannot leave the judges,
magistrates, civil servants and the police without being influenced in their
judgement as to the right or wrong of these struggles. Being members of the
struggling communities they are bound to be partisans, with the result that
there may be a great loss in the confidence reposed by the public in their
134. So far I have considered the case of the
Backward Classes on grounds of administrative utility. But there are also moral
grounds why entry into the public service should be secured to them. The moral
evils arising out of the exclusion of a person from the public service were
never so well portrayed as by the late Mr. Gokhale. In the course of a telling
speech he observed, " The excessive costliness of the foreign agency is
not however its only evil. There is a moral evil, which, if anything, is even
greater. A kind of dwarfing or stunting of the Indian race is going on under
the present system. We must live all the days of our life in an atmosphere of
inferiority and tallest of us must bend in order that the exigencies of the
existing system may be satisfied. The upward impulse, if I may use such an
expression, which every school-boy at Eton or Harrow may feel that he may one
day be a Gladstone, a Nelson, or a Wellington, and which may draw forth the best
efforts of which he is capable, is denied to us. The full height to which our
manhood is capable of rising can never be reached by us under the present
system. The moral elevation which every self-governing people feel cannot be
felt by us. Our administrative and military talents must gradually disappear,
owing to sheer disuse, till at last our lot, as hewers of wood and drawers of
water in our own country, is stereotyped." Now what one would like to ask
those who deny the justice of the case of the Backward Classes for entry into
the Public Service is whether it is not open to the Backward Classes to allege
against the Brahmins and allied castes all that was alleged by the late Mr.
Gokhale on behalf of Indian people against the foreign agency? Is it not open
to the Depressed Classes, the non-Brahmins and the Mohammedans to say that by
their exclusion from the Public Service a kind of dwarfing or stunting of their
communities is going on ? Can they not complain that as a result of their
exclusion they are obliged to live all the days of their lives in an atmosphere
of inferiority, and that the tallest of them has to bend in order that the
exigencies of the existing system may be satisfied? Can they not assert that
the upward impulses which every school-boy of the Brahmanical community feels
that he may one day be a Sinha, a Sastri, a Ranade or a Paranjpye, and which
may draw forth from him the best efforts of which he is capable is denied to
them ? Can they not indignantly assert that the full height to which their
manhood is capable of rising can never be reached by them under the present
system ? Can they not lament that the moral elevation which every
self-governing people feel cannot be felt by them and that their administrative
talents must gradually disappear owing to sheer disgust till at last their lot
as hewers of wood and drawers of water in their own country is stereotyped ?
The answers to these queries cannot but be in the affirmative. If to exclude
the advanced communities from entering into public service of the country was a
moral wrong, the exclusion of the backward communities from the same field must
also be a moral wrong, and if it is a moral wrong it must be righted.
135. 135. These are the considerations which lead me
to find in favour of the Backward Classes. It will be noticed that these
considerations are in no way different from the considerations that were urged
in favour of Indianisation. The case for Indianisation, it must be remembered,
did not rest upon efficient administration. It rested upon considerations of
good administration. It was not challenged that the Indian was inferior to the
European in the qualities that go into the make-up of an efficient
administrator. It was not denied that the European bureaucracy had improved their
roads, constructed canals on more scientific principles, effected
transportation by rail, carried their letters by penny post, flashed their
messages by lightning, improved their currency, regulated their weights and
measures, corrected their notions of geography, astronomy and medicine, and
stopped their internal quarrels. Nothing can be a greater testimony to the fact
that the European bureaucracy constituted the most efficient government
possible. All the same the European bureaucracy, efficient though it was, was
condemned as it was found to be wanting in those qualities which make for human
administration. It is therefore somewhat strange that those who clamoured for
Indianisation should oppose the stream flowing in the direction of the Backward
Classes, forgetting that the case for Indianisation also includes the case for
the Backward Classes. Be that as it may, I attach far more importance to this
than I attach either to Provincial Autonomy or to complete responsibility in
the Provincial Executive. I would not be prepared to allow the devolution of
such large powers if I felt that those powers are likely to fall in the hands
of any one particular community to the exclusion of the rest. That being my
view I suggest that the following steps should be taken for the materialisation
of my recommendations:—
(1) A certain number of vacancies in the Superior
Services, Class I and Class II, and also in the Subordinate Services, should
every year be filled by system of nomination with a pass examination. These nominations
should be filled on the recommendation of a select committee composed of
persons competent to judge of the fitness of a candidate and working in
conjunction with the Civil Service officer referred to above. Such nominations
shall be reserved to the Depressed Class, the Mohammedans and the Non-Brahmins
in the order of preference herein indicated until their numbers in the service
reach a certain proportion. (2) That steps should be taken to post an
increasing number of officers belonging to these communities at the
(3) That a Central Recruitment Board should be
constituted as a central agency for registering all applications for
appointments and vacancies and putting applicants in touch with the offices
where vacancies exist or occur from time to time. It is essential to put the
man and the job in touch if this desire is to be achieved. The absence of such
a Board is the reason why the efforts of the Government of Bombay in this
connection have not achieved the success which was expected of them.
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