This blog has been devised to represent the activities of All India Peoples Front(R), a political party aiming at forging a political alternative comprising of progressive, secular and radical parties.
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Friday, 20 December 2013
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
अस्मिता की राजनीति असली संघर्षों से ध्यान बंटाती ह...
अस्मिता की राजनीति असली संघर्षों से ध्यान बंटाती ह...: अस्मिता की राजनीति असली संघर्षों से ध्यान बंटाती हैं: आनंद तेलतुंबड़े Posted by Reyaz-ul-haque on 2/23/2013 02:26:00 PM आनंद तेलतु...
Sunday, 1 December 2013
चीनी मिलों के निजीकरण का प्रयोग हुआ विफल दिसम्बर के प्रथम सप्ताह में पूरे प्रदेश में होगा प्रदर्शन
चीनी मिलों के निजीकरण का प्रयोग हुआ विफल
दिसम्बर के प्रथम सप्ताह में पूरे प्रदेश में होगा प्रदर्शन
सीपीएम, आइपीएफ, फारवर्ड ब्लाक की हुई बैठक
लखनऊ 30 नवम्बर। सरकार ने यदि गन्ना किसानों के बकाये का भुगतान और किसानों के कर्जा माफी जैसी घोषणाओं पर अमल किया होता तो लखीमपुर में किसान को आत्महत्या न करनी पड़ती। आज भी सरकार इस पर कार्यवाही करने की जगह किसानों का दमन करने पर उतारू है। लखीमपुर में किसान की आत्महत्या और किसानों पर हुए गोलीकाण्ड पर गहरा आक्रोश व्यक्त करते हुए आज सीपीएम कार्यालय पर भारत की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी (माक्र्सवादी), आल इण्डिया पीपुल्स फ्रण्ट और फारवर्ड ब्लाक के नेताओं की बैठक में लिये गये राजनीतिक प्रस्ताव में कहा गया कि प्रदेश में इस समय गन्ना किसानों की हो रही बर्बादी के लिए सरकार की चीनी मिलों के निजीकरण करने की नीतियां जिम्मेदार हैं। सरकार को इस नीति पर पुनर्विचार करना चाहिए और जो चीनी मिल मालिक 7 दिसम्बर तक मिलों को चालू न करें उनका अधिग्रहण कर उन्हंे तत्काल चालू कराना चाहिए और ऐसे मिल मालिकों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही करनी चाहिए। बैठक में चीनी मिलों को तत्काल चालू कराने, गन्ना किसानों का बकाया अविलम्ब भुगतान कराने, सरकार के वायदे के अनुरूप गन्ने की हर प्रजाति पर 50 रूपये प्रति कुंतल की मूल्यवृद्धि करने, लखीमपुर खीरी में आत्महत्या करने वाले किसान को 20 लाख रूपये मुआवजा देने व किसानों पर हुए गोलीकाण्ड की न्यायिक जांच कराने व इसे अंजाम देने वाले दोषियों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही करने तथा प्रदेश के चीनी मिल मजदूरों का वेतन पुनरीक्षण तत्काल करने के सवालों पर दिसम्बर के प्रथम सप्ताह में पूरे प्रदेश में धरना प्रदर्शन करने का निर्णय लिया गया। इस सम्बन्ध में आज मुख्यमंत्री को संयुक्त ज्ञापन भी प्रेषित किया गया।
बैठक में 20 नवम्बर की लखनऊ में आयोजित जन संघर्ष रैली की समीक्षा की गयी और इस रैली के बाद पूरे प्रदेश में साम्प्रदायिकता विरोधी जन अभियान चलाने का निर्णय लिया गया। साथ ही बैठक में जनविरोधी आर्थिक नीतियों के खिलाफ मजदूरों के अधिकार के लिए 12 दिसम्बर को दिल्ली में आयोजित हो रही श्रमिक संगठनों की रैली का समर्थन किया गया।
बैठक में सीपीएम के राज्य सचिव का0 एस0पी0 कश्यप, आइपीएफ के प्रदेश संगठन प्रभारी दिनकर कपूर, फारवर्ड ब्लाक के राज्य सचिव शिव नारायण सिंह चैहान, खेत मजदूर यूनियन के प्रदेश महासचिव का0 बी0एल0 भारती, सीटू के राज्य सचिव का0 प्रेमनाथ राय उपस्थित रहे।
(शिवनारायण सिंह चैहान) दिनकर कपूर (एस0पी0 कश्यप)
मंत्री प्रदेश संगठन मंत्री मंत्री
फारवर्ड ब्लाक आइपीएफ सीपीएम
दिसम्बर के प्रथम सप्ताह में पूरे प्रदेश में होगा प्रदर्शन
सीपीएम, आइपीएफ, फारवर्ड ब्लाक की हुई बैठक
लखनऊ 30 नवम्बर। सरकार ने यदि गन्ना किसानों के बकाये का भुगतान और किसानों के कर्जा माफी जैसी घोषणाओं पर अमल किया होता तो लखीमपुर में किसान को आत्महत्या न करनी पड़ती। आज भी सरकार इस पर कार्यवाही करने की जगह किसानों का दमन करने पर उतारू है। लखीमपुर में किसान की आत्महत्या और किसानों पर हुए गोलीकाण्ड पर गहरा आक्रोश व्यक्त करते हुए आज सीपीएम कार्यालय पर भारत की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी (माक्र्सवादी), आल इण्डिया पीपुल्स फ्रण्ट और फारवर्ड ब्लाक के नेताओं की बैठक में लिये गये राजनीतिक प्रस्ताव में कहा गया कि प्रदेश में इस समय गन्ना किसानों की हो रही बर्बादी के लिए सरकार की चीनी मिलों के निजीकरण करने की नीतियां जिम्मेदार हैं। सरकार को इस नीति पर पुनर्विचार करना चाहिए और जो चीनी मिल मालिक 7 दिसम्बर तक मिलों को चालू न करें उनका अधिग्रहण कर उन्हंे तत्काल चालू कराना चाहिए और ऐसे मिल मालिकों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही करनी चाहिए। बैठक में चीनी मिलों को तत्काल चालू कराने, गन्ना किसानों का बकाया अविलम्ब भुगतान कराने, सरकार के वायदे के अनुरूप गन्ने की हर प्रजाति पर 50 रूपये प्रति कुंतल की मूल्यवृद्धि करने, लखीमपुर खीरी में आत्महत्या करने वाले किसान को 20 लाख रूपये मुआवजा देने व किसानों पर हुए गोलीकाण्ड की न्यायिक जांच कराने व इसे अंजाम देने वाले दोषियों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही करने तथा प्रदेश के चीनी मिल मजदूरों का वेतन पुनरीक्षण तत्काल करने के सवालों पर दिसम्बर के प्रथम सप्ताह में पूरे प्रदेश में धरना प्रदर्शन करने का निर्णय लिया गया। इस सम्बन्ध में आज मुख्यमंत्री को संयुक्त ज्ञापन भी प्रेषित किया गया।
बैठक में 20 नवम्बर की लखनऊ में आयोजित जन संघर्ष रैली की समीक्षा की गयी और इस रैली के बाद पूरे प्रदेश में साम्प्रदायिकता विरोधी जन अभियान चलाने का निर्णय लिया गया। साथ ही बैठक में जनविरोधी आर्थिक नीतियों के खिलाफ मजदूरों के अधिकार के लिए 12 दिसम्बर को दिल्ली में आयोजित हो रही श्रमिक संगठनों की रैली का समर्थन किया गया।
बैठक में सीपीएम के राज्य सचिव का0 एस0पी0 कश्यप, आइपीएफ के प्रदेश संगठन प्रभारी दिनकर कपूर, फारवर्ड ब्लाक के राज्य सचिव शिव नारायण सिंह चैहान, खेत मजदूर यूनियन के प्रदेश महासचिव का0 बी0एल0 भारती, सीटू के राज्य सचिव का0 प्रेमनाथ राय उपस्थित रहे।
(शिवनारायण सिंह चैहान) दिनकर कपूर (एस0पी0 कश्यप)
मंत्री प्रदेश संगठन मंत्री मंत्री
फारवर्ड ब्लाक आइपीएफ सीपीएम
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
All India Peoples Front (Radical) : Constitution and Policy Objectives
All India Peoples Front (Radical)
Constitution and Policy Objectives
Constitution and Policy Objectives
India Peoples Front (Radical) is a mass political
platform dedicated to the goal of ushering in a humane society free of exploitation and alienation. It stands
committed to end the present
exploitative and unjust social and economic order. It envisions the establishment of a social and economic
order which is people- centric and
eco-friendly; which is inspired by the principles of equality and solidarity; and which ensures a life
of dignity for all.
The ruling class has made common cause with the global oligarchy of corporate
capital and speculative
finance capital. It is blindly going in for greater and deeper integration with these global forces even as
the neo-liberal economic order is
facing its deepest crisis in the very hub of the global capital.
AIPF(R) believes that the
present conjuncture which is marked by this
sinister collaboration has rendered the task of striving for the goal more urgent.
The ravages inflicted by the
two decades of neo-liberal policies on the
broad masses of people have further exacerbated the long standing deprivation and disparity in the
society. The small and marginal
peasantry, landless labour, craftsmen, workers in the organized, unorganized and informal sectors, women workers
and the so-called ‘self- employed’ have
borne the brunt while a miniscule number in the upper most echelons have earned wealth and income as never
before. The middle classes who were
enamoured of the neo-liberal policies until recently are progressively getting disillusioned and will be
compelled by the circumstances,
sooner rather than later, to decide on whose side they stand: the ruling class or working people.
To divert attention from the main
challenge facing the people, systematic attempts are being made by the ruling class to foment dissension and division
and even engineer conflicts
among common people. Another aspect of this cynical project is instigation of chauvinist and jingoist
stance towards the important
neighbouring countries. Which, besides serving as a diversionary tactic, fits in with the
strategic design of the global
superpower, the home of the global capital.
At the same time, in the
name of enforcing “law and order”, the space
for democratic dissent and mobilization is being drastically curtailed. What
is worse, under the camouflage of uncritical and superficial slogans of “development” and “governance”, fascistic
tendencies are emerging with the
encouragement and support of the corporate capital intent on acquiring complete control of the state
AIPF(R) believes that
the need of the hour is to form a broad
democratic platform for pursuing Radical and Inclusive Politics : Politics which will deepen democratization of polity and society, which will strengthen modern
values of equality, secularism,
solidarity and which will ensure freedom and dignity for all. Politics which will eradicate the age-old curse
of social inequality and injustice.
Politics which will frontally meet the challenge of neo-liberalism and reinvent the Idea of India which has been bequeathed to us by our long struggle against
In a word, we have to redeem
our tryst with destiny.
AIPF (R) is committed to this task and wishes to join hands with all like-minded
political formations, groups,
activists and individuals to further the struggle to move towards the goal.
Constitutional Declaration
bears true faith and allegiance to
the Constitution of India, as by law established and to the principles of socialism, secularism and democracy and
will uphold sovereignty, unity and
integrity of India.
1-Name: The name of the political party is: All India Peoples Front (Radical): AIPF (R)
2-Flag: It consists of three equal horizontal strips of red, yellow and green colour, in that order. Its shape is rectangular in the ratio 3:2.
3-Membership: Any
adult Indian citizen who accepts the Constitution of AIPF(R) including its
Preamble and Constitutional Declaration and subscribes to its Policy
Objectives, Policies and Programmes may become
its Member.
4-: Constituent
Organisationsa- Organizations agreeing with the goal and approach
contained in the Preamble to AIPF(R) Constitution and its Costitutional
Declaration and Policy Objectives may directly join as constituent
organisational members of AIPF(R) at different levels. AIPF(R) shall not
interfere with their independent functioning.
b- A
high level functionary to be nominated by the constituent organizational member
shall be ex-officio member of national and state level committes of AIPF(R).
of other like-minded organizations may become members of AIPF(R), provided they
fulfill the criterion laid down in Article 3 above and provided further that
their membership of their original organisation does not oblige them to indulge
in activities that are not in harmony with the aims and objectives of AIPF(R)
or run counter to the approach and policies of AIPF(R).
and area of operation: Consistent with its evolution and the process of
formation, its philosophy and its structure, AIPF(R) will function, to the maximum
extent possible, on the basis of consensus
and take decisions through mutual discussion. Where such consensus is not
reached, the decisions will be taken by the majority vote of members present
and casting vote. If the level of majority is not specifically laid down
in the relevant Article of the Constitution, the majority will mean simple
The area of AIPF (R)’s operation will be the whole country
and its organizational structures
will function at national, state, district, block and local levels.
6- Organisational
( R) ’s organisational structure will consist of five tiers starting from the
village/ward level and reaching up to the national level :
Village/Ward Front Committee
Block/City Front Committee
Block/City Working Committee
(1)District Front Committee
Working Committee
Front Committee ( SFC)
Working Committee (SWC)
All India Front Committee ( AIFC)
Central Working Committee: (CWC)
India Front Committee shall decide the general policies of AIPF(R) on national
issues and determine the orientation of national initiatives and organizational
campaigns.The Central Working Committee shall formulate AIPF(R)’s stand on
specific national issues and will be responsible for implementation of its
policies and programmes.
States, the State Front and Working Committees shall play a similar role in the
respective State, within the framework of the policies, programmes and
initiatives decided upon by the National Level Committees.
/City Front and Working Committees and Village/Ward Front Committee shall
not only implement various national and state level programmes and initiatives
within their respective areas of functioning, but more importantly, shall
function as living centres of consistent grassroot work so that the policies
and spirit behind them may take practical shape in accordance with the local
committees may be constituted at different levels other than national level
with the consent of higher level Committees, if conditions for the formation of
full-fledged committees are not fulfilled.
7-National Conference: National conference shall be organized every 3 years. If necessary CWC may make adjustments in the timing, which will have to be ratified in due course by AIFC. All members of state front committees, presidents and general secretaries of district committees and presidents of block committees shall be delegates for the national conference. President, in consultation with the CWC, may nominate delegates for the conference other than the ex-officio delegates. The number of such nominated delegates shall not exceed five percent of the latter. National Conference shall elect All India Front Committee.
Working Committee (CWC): CWC shall be elected by the AIFC.
President: The National President shall be
elected by the All India Front
Committee. The President shall preside over the national level committee meetings. For conducting
national political affairs, National President may nominate National Convener and Co-Conveners, as
President, National Convener and Co-Conveners shall be ex-officio members of the CWC. The
President may nominate some members to the
CWC. The total number of such nominated members shall in no case exceed ten
percent of the total number of elected CWC members.
The Central Working Committee shall elect Vice-Presidents. The President shall nominate the
Senior Vice-President from amongst
the elected Vice Presidents. In the absence of President, the Senior
Vice-President shall preside over
the national level committee meetings.
General Secretary and Secretaries: The General
Secretaries and Secretaries shall be
elected in the meeting of the Central Working Committee. The CWC shall elect Organisational General
Secretary from amongst the General Secretaries. The Organisational General Secretary
shall convene the national level committee meetings, prepare the documentation
and keep necessary record of the meetings. Secretaries will assist the General
Secretaries in their functions. Organisational General
Secretary may be authorized by the CWC to enter into
legal and financial transactions in
name of AIPF (R).
Secretary: The Office Secretary shall be nominated by the President. He/she will conduct the affairs of the
office. He/ She shall be responsible for fulfilling the legal requirements
and obligations
behalf of AIPF ( R ).
13- Treasurer: The
Treasurer shall be nominated by the President from amongst the members of the
Central Working Committee. He/She
shall maintain the records of income and expenditure and shall look after the
financial affairs of AIPF(R).
He/ She shall open an account in a scheduled bank in the name
of AIPF (R). The account will be operated jointly by Treasurer and one
other high level functionary to be nominated by President. Treasurer will be
responsible for fulfilling such obligations as the law of the land prescribes
in respect of the financial operations of AIPF (R) e.g. Audit, Income Tax,
Service Tax etc.
14 -
Functionaries of other than national level committees: The
Committees other than those at the national level will elect their Presidents,
Vice Presidents, General Secretaries/ Secretaries, Office Secretaries,
Treasurers at their biennial Front Committee meetings . The Village/Ward level
will elect their functionaries at their annual meeting.
15 -Advisory
Councils: The Presidents may
constitute Advisory Councils at National and State levels as
necessary. Members and office bearers of the Advisory Councils may or may not
be members of AIPF (R). Advisory Councils will perform an important advisory
role in formulating policies, programmes and activities of AIPF(R). Members of
the Advisory Council may take part in the meetings of AIFC / SFC at the
invitation of the President. The President may invite them to Central/ State
level Working Committee Meetings. Such members of the Advisory Councils as are
not the members of the AIPF (R) will not participate in voting.
16- Parliamentary
Boards: The National
President and the State President shall
respectively nominate the National and the State level Parliamentary Boards from the members of All India Front
Committee and State Front Committee.
The decisions of State Parliamentary Boards regarding candidates and other
important matters of elections will require the approval of CWC. Constituent Organizational
Members will nominate a high level functionary to the Parliamentary Boards.
17: State, District and Block /City level Conferences: Such Conferences will be held every two years. The respective State, District and Block/City level Working Committees may decide the timing and venue. The Village /Ward level Committees will meet annually, the time and venue being decided by the respective Presidents. The delegates at such conferences will be elected/chosen/ nominated on the same pattern as that for the national level committees but the field of choice will be limited to the area of operation of the respective committee. These conferences shall elect committees and office- bearers for respective levels. Below state level, there will be no post of General Secretary among the office-bearers. These decisions shall have to be approved by the respective next higher level committees.
18- Village/Ward
Front Committee: It is the primary/basic unit of
the Front which will consist of all members
of AIPF (R ) at the Village / ward level. It shall elect its President and other office-bearers. Its tenure shall be one year.
19- Special
Provision: There shall be mandatory
representation from women, Dalits, Adivasis, religious
minorities, OBCs and most and extremely backward castes in all committees and the office-bearers. The
Presidents of respective committees
will have the right to nomination for this purpose.
20 -Constitutional
Amendment: Amendment to the Constitution may be introduced
in the Central Working Committee which will consider it carefully
and, on approval by a two- thirds majority of its members present and casting
vote, will recommend it to the All India Front Committee.
All India Front Committee may, with such further modification as it deems
appropriate, approve of it by a two-thirds majority of its members present and
casting vote. The amendment shall come into effect immediately
21- Special
Session: The President may convene a special
session of Central Working Committee for deliberation of an urgent issue/s.
Central working Committee may convene a special session of AIFC for
consideration of an important and urgent issue/s.
22 -
Disciplinary Action: Disciplinary
action shall be taken by the concerned
Front Committee against those engaged in anti-Front activities .It shall include warning, suspension and
expulsion. Due notice and opportunity to submit his/her
version/defence will be given to the concerned member before taking
disciplinary action and every
decision of disciplinary action shall have to be approved by the next higher committee. The right to expel any
member engaged in anti-social
activity is reserved with the President of the concerned Committee but it has to be approved by the
respective Front Committee. In
emergency, the National President can dissolve any committee or take disciplinary action against any
member or office-bearer but he/she
has to get this decision approved by the Central Working Committee as soon as possible. Against the disciplinary
action by any committee, the
affected member has the right to appeal before the next higher Committee, and
in case such decision is taken by the highest committee, namely, AIFC, the
affected member shall have the right to ask for review/reconsideration by that
body. The decision of the appellate/ review body, reached after reconsideration
of the matter, will be final and binding.
23- Financial
Provisions: AIPF (R) shall present annual
financial details as required to the
Election Commission within 60 days of the end of financial year. AIPF (R)’s
accounts shall be audited by the auditor empanelled by the CAG. Funds of AIPF (R) shall be used only for
political purposes. AIPF(R), in
maintenance of its financial documents shall comply with the directives issued from time to time by the
Election Commission.
23 A-AIPF(R) will raise resources from membership fees,
donations from members, sympathizers and like minded individuals and
organizations. It shall not accept any funding from any foreign source
whatsoever. The moneys so raised any other receipts will be kept in an account
opened in the name of AIPF (R) with a scheduled bank.
24- Merger
and Dissolution : Decisions regarding merger
with any other political formation and dissolution shall be taken in the Central Working
Committee on the basis of a 2/3rd majority of members present and
casting vote. Such decision will be final only after it is approved by AIFC by
a two-thirds majority of its members present and casting vote.
(a) In
convening the meetings of different bodies, due notice will be given to all
members concerned.
( b)
Membership fee shall be decided by CWC.
(c) Where no specific provision is
available in the Constitution and a decision needs to be taken urgently,
the CWC will have the powers to take an appropriate decision as
necessary with the approval of two thirds majority of its members present and
casting vote. Further such decision shall have to be approved by AIFC by a
similar two-thirds majority of its members present and casting vote. Such
a decision shall have to be consistent with the Preamble, the Constitutional
Declaration and the extant provisions of the Constitution and the
underlying spirit of the Constitution.
Priority list of
the Policy Objectives:
*Defeating the attack on democratic rights and freedoms and working for repeal of all special laws including the Armed Forces( Special Powers) Act which restrict the democratic space guaranteed under the Indian Constitution and enable the State to abuse its monopoly of use of force.
*Defeating corporate takeover of agriculture; resisting corporatization of land, water and seed, forest and minerals; promotion of cooperatives and moving towards socialization of ownership and working of these basic resources.
*Defeating the corporate encroachment and appropriation of commons, particularly the forest and advise habitations and lands; protecting adivasi community rights and livelihoods; promoting community ownership and management of forest resources.
* Defeating the policy regime that facilitates the Corporate loot of mineral resources and spells devastation of Adivasi’ life, livelihood and habitat.
*Defeating the WTO ( World Trade Organisation/AoA( Agreement on Agriculture) paradigm on agriculture; striving for a peasant- centric alternative through South-South cooperation in agricultural production and trade.
*Alternative development policies which will not only repudiate the mainstream strategy of “globalizing growth” but also promote self-reliance; inter-personal, inter-class( in the sense of educationally and socially backward and advanced classes), and inter-regional equity; and conservation of environment. It will imply reorientation of direction and pattern of industrialization. It will mean a break from the present obsession with “globally competitive” industries and a shift in favour of employment –intensive technology based and mass consumption oriented industries.
* Ending the process of rapid commodification of health, education and access to food and other articles of necessity; replacing the prevailing mercenary, discriminatory , unaffordable and limited- reach regimes and establishing comprehensive , egalitarian , affordable public system for provision of health ,education and food and other necessities.
*Defeating the attack on democratic rights and freedoms and working for repeal of all special laws including the Armed Forces( Special Powers) Act which restrict the democratic space guaranteed under the Indian Constitution and enable the State to abuse its monopoly of use of force.
*Defeating corporate takeover of agriculture; resisting corporatization of land, water and seed, forest and minerals; promotion of cooperatives and moving towards socialization of ownership and working of these basic resources.
*Defeating the corporate encroachment and appropriation of commons, particularly the forest and advise habitations and lands; protecting adivasi community rights and livelihoods; promoting community ownership and management of forest resources.
* Defeating the policy regime that facilitates the Corporate loot of mineral resources and spells devastation of Adivasi’ life, livelihood and habitat.
*Defeating the WTO ( World Trade Organisation/AoA( Agreement on Agriculture) paradigm on agriculture; striving for a peasant- centric alternative through South-South cooperation in agricultural production and trade.
*Alternative development policies which will not only repudiate the mainstream strategy of “globalizing growth” but also promote self-reliance; inter-personal, inter-class( in the sense of educationally and socially backward and advanced classes), and inter-regional equity; and conservation of environment. It will imply reorientation of direction and pattern of industrialization. It will mean a break from the present obsession with “globally competitive” industries and a shift in favour of employment –intensive technology based and mass consumption oriented industries.
* Ending the process of rapid commodification of health, education and access to food and other articles of necessity; replacing the prevailing mercenary, discriminatory , unaffordable and limited- reach regimes and establishing comprehensive , egalitarian , affordable public system for provision of health ,education and food and other necessities.
national wages and incomes policy severely limiting the disparity across the
sectors and classes.
right to employment and a decent living standard through legal means and
appropriate economic policy initiatives.
*Providing legally
guaranteed preferential opportunity in education and employment, in private as
well as state sectors, for the socially disadvantaged classes and communities.
A thoroughgoing electoral reform including introduction of
proportional representation and elimination of the rampant influence of money
and muscle power in order to cleanse and deepen the process of democratisation.
People’s control and supervision over the administrative machinery,
particularly at the cutting edge level.
* Fighting
and defeating the communal and fascistic forces that are challenging the very
Idea of India which is the product of a long struggle against colonialism and
Complete separation of religion, on the one hand, and the state and politics,
on the other. Religion to be confined to private domain where it belongs.
Support to struggles of sub-nationalities and borderline states for preserving
their cultural and political identity as has historically emerged and support
to their aspiration for fuller autonomy within the Indian Union.
*Strengthening the autonomy of the Indian financial system and protecting it from the fragility and rapacity of the global finance capital. Working for regional financial cooperation eg. Regional Monetary Union/s.
* Decisive breaking away from the US strategic design and opposing US militarism, in particular, US-Israeli militarism in West Asia , and exposing and defeating US-Israel sponsored Islamophobia.
*Strengthening the autonomy of the Indian financial system and protecting it from the fragility and rapacity of the global finance capital. Working for regional financial cooperation eg. Regional Monetary Union/s.
* Decisive breaking away from the US strategic design and opposing US militarism, in particular, US-Israeli militarism in West Asia , and exposing and defeating US-Israel sponsored Islamophobia.
Fighting and defeating chauvinistic and jingoistic policies and stances
towards the important neighbouring countries, China and Pakistan in particular,
and striving for peace and cooperation in the Indian subcontinent, Asia and the
whole world.
new energy policy consistent with the reorientation of the strategic, agrarian
and industrial policies; selective strategic cooperation with the
West Asian and Central Asian oil and gas rich countries ; closer cooperation
with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
and Decisions adopted in meeting )
1. Land Acquisition/Transfer and Displacement:
The Meeting noted that the Land Acquisition Act of 1894 and similar other laws in the States were fundamentally flawed in that they were founded in the doctrine of “eminent domain”;
they defined “public purpose” loosely, thereby giving legitimacy to the questionable role of the government as facilitator and agent of private companies and businesses;
violated the constitutional and legal protection available to Adivasis and
forest dwellers in respect of their land and habitat;
failed to make the consent of the Gram Sabha a necessary condition for any
they failed to recognize that the provision of a decent, alternative livelihood to all those whose livelihood is threatened by any acquisition/transfer of land must be a pre-condition for such transfer or acquisition.
The Meeting further noted that the proposed amendments to the Laws failed to remedy the basic flaws.
The Meeting resolved
• that the said laws, including the notorious SEZ Act, be repealed;
• that there be an immediate freeze on transfer of all agricultural,
forest and mining land to the corporate sector;
• that any transfer of agricultural land to non-agriculturists, in
general and to foreigners and NRIs, in particular be prohibited
• that any transfer of Adivasi land to non-Adivasis be prohibited forthwith;
• that pending the formulation of a radical new policy in this regard
with the ultimate objective of decommodifying land , only consensual
acquisition/transfer of land for specifically stated social purpose
be allowed with the consent of the concerned Gram Sabha and with prior
provision of alternative and decent livelihood for all those being
displaced and/or whose livelihood is threatened as a result of such
acquisition /transfer.
The Meeting further resolved
• that a National Land Use Commission be set up to formulate a
comprehensive, people-centric, ecology-friendly, region- specific and
scientific land use policy which will promote food security,
biological diversity and the well being and solidarity of all those
whose livelihood depends on land.
they failed to recognize that the provision of a decent, alternative livelihood to all those whose livelihood is threatened by any acquisition/transfer of land must be a pre-condition for such transfer or acquisition.
The Meeting further noted that the proposed amendments to the Laws failed to remedy the basic flaws.
The Meeting resolved
• that the said laws, including the notorious SEZ Act, be repealed;
• that there be an immediate freeze on transfer of all agricultural,
forest and mining land to the corporate sector;
• that any transfer of agricultural land to non-agriculturists, in
general and to foreigners and NRIs, in particular be prohibited
• that any transfer of Adivasi land to non-Adivasis be prohibited forthwith;
• that pending the formulation of a radical new policy in this regard
with the ultimate objective of decommodifying land , only consensual
acquisition/transfer of land for specifically stated social purpose
be allowed with the consent of the concerned Gram Sabha and with prior
provision of alternative and decent livelihood for all those being
displaced and/or whose livelihood is threatened as a result of such
acquisition /transfer.
The Meeting further resolved
• that a National Land Use Commission be set up to formulate a
comprehensive, people-centric, ecology-friendly, region- specific and
scientific land use policy which will promote food security,
biological diversity and the well being and solidarity of all those
whose livelihood depends on land.
2. Mining and
The Meeting noted
that while all mining is hazardous, disturbs ecology, destroys biodiversity, devastates land and water resources and leaves them unusable in perpetuity besides causing large scale displacement and loss of livelihood, some mining is inescapable in an urban-industrial economy;
that the mineral wealth belongs to the people, the future generations included, and therefore, the ownership of the mineral resources must remain with the people and the exploitation of these resources must be under full social control;
that there is need to make mining activity environmentally and socially acceptable and contribute to social and economic development of the area;
that the rapid liberalization of the mining and mineral policy since 1993; the opening up of the mining sector to foreign and indigenous big capital; colossal profiteering and rampant corruption leading to the unbridled loot of the national mineral wealth , on the
one hand, and ruthless devastation of habitat and loss of livelihood of poor people , particularly Adivasis subsisting on the mineral bearing lands and forests; -- all have resulted in unprecedented anger and alienation among the forest dwellers and Adivasis;
that the situation calls for an immediate and radical overhaul of policies, laws, regulatory institutions and enforcement mechanism relating to this sector, based on the recognition that the community consent and welfare must be embedded in the relevant
policies and laws.
The Meeting further noted
that the proposed mining and mineral development legislation namely, the Draft Mines and Minerals(Development and Regulation) Bill 2010, falls short of the requirement , particularly as it still adheres to the philosophy of providing level playing field to all
actors and making policy environment attractive for big capital, indigenous as well as foreign.
The Meeting resolved
• that, pending formulation of a policy which is comprehensive, far-sighted, people -centric, environment- conserving , socially acceptable, in general, and Adivasi- friendly, in particular;
• an immediate moratorium be imposed on issuing of LOIs , licenses, permissions, or entering into contracts for mining and exploitation of the resources in the Adivasi areas and a review be conducted of all
such permissions issued /contracts entered into during the last sixteen years since the announcement of the National Mineral Policy in 1993 which opened up 13 major minerals ( iron ore, manganese ore,
chrome ore, sulphur, gold, diamond, copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, tungsten, nickel and platinum);
• all export of minerals be prohibited immediately;
• mineral wealth and mining be restored to public ownership and social control, with full involvement and consent of those sections of society that are directly affected in the course of exploitation of the mineral resources.
The Meeting noted
that while all mining is hazardous, disturbs ecology, destroys biodiversity, devastates land and water resources and leaves them unusable in perpetuity besides causing large scale displacement and loss of livelihood, some mining is inescapable in an urban-industrial economy;
that the mineral wealth belongs to the people, the future generations included, and therefore, the ownership of the mineral resources must remain with the people and the exploitation of these resources must be under full social control;
that there is need to make mining activity environmentally and socially acceptable and contribute to social and economic development of the area;
that the rapid liberalization of the mining and mineral policy since 1993; the opening up of the mining sector to foreign and indigenous big capital; colossal profiteering and rampant corruption leading to the unbridled loot of the national mineral wealth , on the
one hand, and ruthless devastation of habitat and loss of livelihood of poor people , particularly Adivasis subsisting on the mineral bearing lands and forests; -- all have resulted in unprecedented anger and alienation among the forest dwellers and Adivasis;
that the situation calls for an immediate and radical overhaul of policies, laws, regulatory institutions and enforcement mechanism relating to this sector, based on the recognition that the community consent and welfare must be embedded in the relevant
policies and laws.
The Meeting further noted
that the proposed mining and mineral development legislation namely, the Draft Mines and Minerals(Development and Regulation) Bill 2010, falls short of the requirement , particularly as it still adheres to the philosophy of providing level playing field to all
actors and making policy environment attractive for big capital, indigenous as well as foreign.
The Meeting resolved
• that, pending formulation of a policy which is comprehensive, far-sighted, people -centric, environment- conserving , socially acceptable, in general, and Adivasi- friendly, in particular;
• an immediate moratorium be imposed on issuing of LOIs , licenses, permissions, or entering into contracts for mining and exploitation of the resources in the Adivasi areas and a review be conducted of all
such permissions issued /contracts entered into during the last sixteen years since the announcement of the National Mineral Policy in 1993 which opened up 13 major minerals ( iron ore, manganese ore,
chrome ore, sulphur, gold, diamond, copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, tungsten, nickel and platinum);
• all export of minerals be prohibited immediately;
• mineral wealth and mining be restored to public ownership and social control, with full involvement and consent of those sections of society that are directly affected in the course of exploitation of the mineral resources.
3. Prices, Employment, PDS
The Meeting noted that the Indian economy is plagued with inflation that is assuming serious proportions in recent years. The cost of living index (industrial workers) increased by 8% during 2008-09 and by 15% in 2009-10 and the food prices mounted by 15% in October 2009, 18% in November 2009 and 20% in December 2009. And despite this alarming situation, the Government effected increase in the prices of petrol, diesel, kerosene and LP Gas and deregulated petrol prices. This has resulted in all-round increase in transport and fuel costs and added fuel to price escalation.
The Meeting further noted with deep concern the steep escalation of prices of food items. From July 2008 to July 2010 the prices of rice and wheat increased by 19%, tur dal – 58%, moong dal – 113%, sugar 73%, potato, onion – 32%; prices of vegetables, fish, meat and milk prices are also mounting. In the case of rice and wheat even though there are large stocks with the Government that are held incurring huge expenditure and wastage, the stocks are not made available to the needy, they being misclassified as APL. Introduction of targeted PDS (1997) in place of universal PDS has defeated the very aims of PDS viz. maintaining price stability and ensuring supply of cereals and sugar to all at affordable prices. Deepening agrarian crisis which is the cumulative result of a number of factors has contributed significantly to the rise in food prices.
The Meeting noted that the Indian economy is plagued with inflation that is assuming serious proportions in recent years. The cost of living index (industrial workers) increased by 8% during 2008-09 and by 15% in 2009-10 and the food prices mounted by 15% in October 2009, 18% in November 2009 and 20% in December 2009. And despite this alarming situation, the Government effected increase in the prices of petrol, diesel, kerosene and LP Gas and deregulated petrol prices. This has resulted in all-round increase in transport and fuel costs and added fuel to price escalation.
The Meeting further noted with deep concern the steep escalation of prices of food items. From July 2008 to July 2010 the prices of rice and wheat increased by 19%, tur dal – 58%, moong dal – 113%, sugar 73%, potato, onion – 32%; prices of vegetables, fish, meat and milk prices are also mounting. In the case of rice and wheat even though there are large stocks with the Government that are held incurring huge expenditure and wastage, the stocks are not made available to the needy, they being misclassified as APL. Introduction of targeted PDS (1997) in place of universal PDS has defeated the very aims of PDS viz. maintaining price stability and ensuring supply of cereals and sugar to all at affordable prices. Deepening agrarian crisis which is the cumulative result of a number of factors has contributed significantly to the rise in food prices.
meeting further noted while the food prices are escalating, the farmers are not
getting adequately remunerative prices for their produce. The Agricultural Cost
and Prices Commission has failed to ensure this. The Commission has no statuory
status; its funcitioning is not transparent and scientific, its recommendations
are not mandatory and government announcement of support prices is made much
after the sowing season.
The Meeting resolved
• that the coverage of the Essential Commodities Act be expanded, its penal provisions be strengthened and its strict enforcement be ensured.
• that the administrative price regime for all petroleum products be restored; Oil Pool Account be reopened and the prices of petroleum products be set keeping in view the paying capacity of different
classes of consumers through the use of appropriate tax structure and cross -subsidization.
• that the Right to Work be made a Fundamental Right in Indian Constitution; application of NREGA be universalized ; the period of guaranteed employment be enhanced to 300 days in a year; and, a decent
wage be assured to those who report for work under the scheme.; and • that PDS be universalized; its coverage be expanded to include locally available cereals such as Jowar and Bajra and other essentials such as edible oil, pulses and kerosene;
The Meeting resolved
• that the coverage of the Essential Commodities Act be expanded, its penal provisions be strengthened and its strict enforcement be ensured.
• that the administrative price regime for all petroleum products be restored; Oil Pool Account be reopened and the prices of petroleum products be set keeping in view the paying capacity of different
classes of consumers through the use of appropriate tax structure and cross -subsidization.
• that the Right to Work be made a Fundamental Right in Indian Constitution; application of NREGA be universalized ; the period of guaranteed employment be enhanced to 300 days in a year; and, a decent
wage be assured to those who report for work under the scheme.; and • that PDS be universalized; its coverage be expanded to include locally available cereals such as Jowar and Bajra and other essentials such as edible oil, pulses and kerosene;
• that The Agricultural Cost
and Prices Commission be given statutory status; its functioning be made
transparent and scientific; its recommendations be made mandatory; and support
prices must be announced well before sowing.
4. Kashmir
The Meeting noted with deep concern that the lack of timely and sympathetic response by the Prime Minister has led to aggravation of the tragic situation in the Kashmir valley. The GOI chose not to recognize the ground reality of alienation and continued to pass on all blame to external forces.
The Meeting strongly condemned the killing of unarmed protesters in the Kashmir Valley by security forces. This has added to the alienation of the people and exposed the apathy and indifference of the National Conference-Congress government to the peoples ‘plight.
This Meeting called upon the State and UPA governments to stop the violence and start immediate dialogue within a specific timeframe. The government to restore confidence and trust by:-
o withdrawing the Armed Forces Special Powers Act;
o replacing CRPF with the State Police;
o releasing the arrested youth;
o releasing the political prisoners;
o starting immediate talks with all sections in Jammu and Kashmir for
a political solution;
o punishment to those guilty of fake encounters;
o removal of bunkers from bastis which cause continuing annoyance and
o restoring democratic rights and freedom to the people of the valley.
o public mobilization by civil society against communalism;
5. Democratic Rights
The Meeting noted with deep concern unprecedented erosion of democratic rights and freedoms. The last few years have witnessed increasing resort to legislation circumscribing the basic democratic freedoms. Cases of abuse of such laws are increasing in every state. On top of that, we are witnessing larger numbers of “encounter killings” in the name of countering “terrorist threats” or “threats to internal security”. We have also seen the launching of warlike “operations” under different names by the State and Central Security
Forces , the latest being “the operation green hunt ”.
4. Kashmir
The Meeting noted with deep concern that the lack of timely and sympathetic response by the Prime Minister has led to aggravation of the tragic situation in the Kashmir valley. The GOI chose not to recognize the ground reality of alienation and continued to pass on all blame to external forces.
The Meeting strongly condemned the killing of unarmed protesters in the Kashmir Valley by security forces. This has added to the alienation of the people and exposed the apathy and indifference of the National Conference-Congress government to the peoples ‘plight.
This Meeting called upon the State and UPA governments to stop the violence and start immediate dialogue within a specific timeframe. The government to restore confidence and trust by:-
o withdrawing the Armed Forces Special Powers Act;
o replacing CRPF with the State Police;
o releasing the arrested youth;
o releasing the political prisoners;
o starting immediate talks with all sections in Jammu and Kashmir for
a political solution;
o punishment to those guilty of fake encounters;
o removal of bunkers from bastis which cause continuing annoyance and
o restoring democratic rights and freedom to the people of the valley.
o public mobilization by civil society against communalism;
5. Democratic Rights
The Meeting noted with deep concern unprecedented erosion of democratic rights and freedoms. The last few years have witnessed increasing resort to legislation circumscribing the basic democratic freedoms. Cases of abuse of such laws are increasing in every state. On top of that, we are witnessing larger numbers of “encounter killings” in the name of countering “terrorist threats” or “threats to internal security”. We have also seen the launching of warlike “operations” under different names by the State and Central Security
Forces , the latest being “the operation green hunt ”.
The Meeting further noted
that pursuit of neo-liberal economic policies has its compelling logic. It
creates increasing disparities and polarization. It leads to predatory capital
accumulation. It brings about alienation and marginalization of the vast masses
in economic and political spheres. It pushes the ruling elites more and more to
resort to use of force in containing the unrest engendered by its policies. The
increasing sections of the various institutions of the state and the polity
intended to safeguard the democratic freedoms and facilitate the implementation
of people- centric policies tend to come under the sway of the compelling logic
of neo-liberalism. Worse still, through its omissions and commissions, the
neo-liberal logic encourages chauvinistic, internecine conflicts in the polity,
divert the attention from the main issues and to provide legitimacy to its attack on democratic freedoms.
In this background, the Meeting demanded abrogation of all black laws passed by the State and Central governments in the recent years ostensibly in the name of preserving security and maintaining public order but in reality to crush the mass upsurge and peoples’ struggles against the injustice and exploitation unleashed by the neo-liberal policies that serve the interest of the big capital.
The Meeting demanded that the “operation green hunt” be called off immediately.
The Meeting also demanded the repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act.
6. Social justice to Minorities, Adivasis-Vanvasis, and MBCs ( moved by Jan Sangharsh Morcha)
The Meeting noted that the journey to social justice remains incomplete. As long as the minorities, Adivasis, MBCs and women do not get social justice , it can not be regarded as complete.
The meeting called upon the government to promptly implement the recommendations of the Rangnath Mishra Commission and provide separate reservation quota to the backward Muslims and include the dalit Muslims in the Scheduled Caste category.
The Meeting noted that the MBCs are deprived of social justice although two decades have elapsed since the implementation of the Mandal Commission recommendations. Even today the share of MBCs in government and administration is extremely low. One member of the Mandal Commission, Shri L R Naik was aapprehensive that the MBCs would not get social justice if they were not allocated a separate quota. It is worth mentioning that precisely on this issue he resigned from the Commission. His worst apprehensions have come true. Supreme Court also opined in its verdict that the government may provide separate quota for the MBCs. to ensure social justice for them.
The Meeting called upon the government to constitute a National Commission for ensuring social justice to the MBCs within a stipulated time-frame and separating their quota from the OBC quota.
The meeting noted that in UP, the Adivasis have suffered a great injustice. Adivasi communities like Kol, Musahar(Vanvasi), Dhangar( Uraon), Dharikar, Koranva, etc. have not even been accorded the status of Scheduled Tribes. As a result, these communities dependent on the forests, are not able to get the benefit of Forest Rights Act which was enacted after a long struggle to ensure the ancient and traditional right of Adivasis on forest land. The democratic rights of the sixteen tribal communities like Gond, Kharvar, Chero, Panika, Bainga, Bhuiyan,Agaria who were accorded ST status in 2003, have been negated. They will no longer be able to contest elections on the seats reserved for SCs. A actually these seats were reserved for SCs because these communities were included in SC category till 2003. The Meeting, therefore, demanded that communities like Kol, Musahar(Vanvasi), Dhangar(Uraon),Dharikar, Koranva, etc. be included in ST category, and seats from the Panchayat upto the Parliament level be reserved for communities like Gond, Kharvar,
Chero, Panika,Bainga, Bhuiyan, Agaria on the basis of a rapid survey.
divert the attention from the main issues and to provide legitimacy to its attack on democratic freedoms.
In this background, the Meeting demanded abrogation of all black laws passed by the State and Central governments in the recent years ostensibly in the name of preserving security and maintaining public order but in reality to crush the mass upsurge and peoples’ struggles against the injustice and exploitation unleashed by the neo-liberal policies that serve the interest of the big capital.
The Meeting demanded that the “operation green hunt” be called off immediately.
The Meeting also demanded the repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act.
6. Social justice to Minorities, Adivasis-Vanvasis, and MBCs ( moved by Jan Sangharsh Morcha)
The Meeting noted that the journey to social justice remains incomplete. As long as the minorities, Adivasis, MBCs and women do not get social justice , it can not be regarded as complete.
The meeting called upon the government to promptly implement the recommendations of the Rangnath Mishra Commission and provide separate reservation quota to the backward Muslims and include the dalit Muslims in the Scheduled Caste category.
The Meeting noted that the MBCs are deprived of social justice although two decades have elapsed since the implementation of the Mandal Commission recommendations. Even today the share of MBCs in government and administration is extremely low. One member of the Mandal Commission, Shri L R Naik was aapprehensive that the MBCs would not get social justice if they were not allocated a separate quota. It is worth mentioning that precisely on this issue he resigned from the Commission. His worst apprehensions have come true. Supreme Court also opined in its verdict that the government may provide separate quota for the MBCs. to ensure social justice for them.
The Meeting called upon the government to constitute a National Commission for ensuring social justice to the MBCs within a stipulated time-frame and separating their quota from the OBC quota.
The meeting noted that in UP, the Adivasis have suffered a great injustice. Adivasi communities like Kol, Musahar(Vanvasi), Dhangar( Uraon), Dharikar, Koranva, etc. have not even been accorded the status of Scheduled Tribes. As a result, these communities dependent on the forests, are not able to get the benefit of Forest Rights Act which was enacted after a long struggle to ensure the ancient and traditional right of Adivasis on forest land. The democratic rights of the sixteen tribal communities like Gond, Kharvar, Chero, Panika, Bainga, Bhuiyan,Agaria who were accorded ST status in 2003, have been negated. They will no longer be able to contest elections on the seats reserved for SCs. A actually these seats were reserved for SCs because these communities were included in SC category till 2003. The Meeting, therefore, demanded that communities like Kol, Musahar(Vanvasi), Dhangar(Uraon),Dharikar, Koranva, etc. be included in ST category, and seats from the Panchayat upto the Parliament level be reserved for communities like Gond, Kharvar,
Chero, Panika,Bainga, Bhuiyan, Agaria on the basis of a rapid survey.
The meeting strongly
disapproves of the government`s putting the women reservation bill again on the
back burner. It demanded that the women reservation bill ensuring 33% seats for
women in Parliament and State Assemblies be passed without any further delay
and reservation for women in services also be guaranteed.
7.Widespread illegal mining in Bellary and other districts of Karnataka including in the Bellary reserve forest on both sides of the interstate border of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka by Mining Mafia led by Reddy Brothers (moved by Shri S.R.Hiremath, Rajakeeya Janandolan Karanataka)
The Meeting expressed deep concern about unprecedented loot of mineral wealth((iron ore, manganese) by the mining mafia led by Reddy Brothers of Bellary and demanded :
1. Immediate moratorium on new mining leases in Karnataka and adjoining area of Andhra Pradesh including ban on forest and environmental clearances on the pending applications by MoEF, GOI.
2. Nationalisation of iron ore, manganese and other major minerals, that is to say, declaring null and void the notifications(CI 33 AND CI 16) DATED 15.03.2003 and subsequent such notifications which threw
open mining by private parties on forest and other lands( 1300+ Sq Km)
3. Effective measures against illegal mining by strict enforcement of laws especially on the forest land and other common lands and restoration and protection of water sources already adversely affected and immediate halting of raising contract( which is illegal).
4. Taking strongest actions against those involved in illegal mining starting with Reddy Brothers and all other political party persons.
5. Stopping export of major minerals (e.g. iron ore) and protection thereof by careful domestic use through value addition and for future generations.
6. Taking strict measures to recover the ill gotten wealth by Reddy Brothers and all others and taking criminal actions where warranted.
8. Privatisation of PSUs , retrenchment of workers and social security for organized and unorganized workers ( moved by Khadan Mazdoor Union Allahabad)
The Meeting resolved to fight against privatization of public sector undertakings, disinvestment, downsizing and retrenchment of workers and decided to fight for a central legislation for social security of unorganized labour including agricultural labour.
7.Widespread illegal mining in Bellary and other districts of Karnataka including in the Bellary reserve forest on both sides of the interstate border of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka by Mining Mafia led by Reddy Brothers (moved by Shri S.R.Hiremath, Rajakeeya Janandolan Karanataka)
The Meeting expressed deep concern about unprecedented loot of mineral wealth((iron ore, manganese) by the mining mafia led by Reddy Brothers of Bellary and demanded :
1. Immediate moratorium on new mining leases in Karnataka and adjoining area of Andhra Pradesh including ban on forest and environmental clearances on the pending applications by MoEF, GOI.
2. Nationalisation of iron ore, manganese and other major minerals, that is to say, declaring null and void the notifications(CI 33 AND CI 16) DATED 15.03.2003 and subsequent such notifications which threw
open mining by private parties on forest and other lands( 1300+ Sq Km)
3. Effective measures against illegal mining by strict enforcement of laws especially on the forest land and other common lands and restoration and protection of water sources already adversely affected and immediate halting of raising contract( which is illegal).
4. Taking strongest actions against those involved in illegal mining starting with Reddy Brothers and all other political party persons.
5. Stopping export of major minerals (e.g. iron ore) and protection thereof by careful domestic use through value addition and for future generations.
6. Taking strict measures to recover the ill gotten wealth by Reddy Brothers and all others and taking criminal actions where warranted.
8. Privatisation of PSUs , retrenchment of workers and social security for organized and unorganized workers ( moved by Khadan Mazdoor Union Allahabad)
The Meeting resolved to fight against privatization of public sector undertakings, disinvestment, downsizing and retrenchment of workers and decided to fight for a central legislation for social security of unorganized labour including agricultural labour.
The meeting demanded the
regularization of Shikshamitra, Kisanmitra, panchaytmitra, ASHA heath
workers and Anganwadi workers and helpers. Lakhs of workers of stone
quarries and mines are currently excluded from the benefits of the policies and
schemes of the Labour and Employment Ministry. The Meeting demanded that they
should be given the benefit
of the welfare schemes. Further, in order to protect weavers’ lives, special
package of financial and other assistance should be granted and their
outstanding loans be written off.
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